Barracuda Field, Nigeria
The Barracuda Field sits in the northwest part of OML 141, an Oil Mining Licence area covering 1,295km2 in the swamp/shallow waters of the Niger Delta in Nigeria.
Four existing wells drilled in 1967 (three wells by Tenneco) and 2007 (one well by CNOOC) penetrated oil-bearing high-quality C3 and D-1B sands typical of the stacked delta top and prodelta reservoirs in faulted listric settings common in this area. The plan is for a fifth well to be drilled (Barracuda-5) in order to carry out a flow test, if successful, will be brought onstream. The intention is that financing partners could fund certain development costs. In March 2022, ADM published a competent person's report on the Barracuda prospect prepared by Xodus Group Limited. Based on existing Barracuda data and field analogues, ADM estimates recoverable oil resources of c.70 million barrels from the D-1B reservoir with several other potential reservoir leads to be further appraised after initial production. ADM considers that there may be an opportunity to further increase field productivity from further drilling in the following years.
Acquisition of controlling interest in Risk Sharing Agreement for the Barracuda Field